At the XXIV SIAMOC Congress – Italian Society of Movement Analysis in Clinic, held in Stresa (VB) on October 2-5, 2024, the MerloBioEngineering team actively participated with several oral and poster presentations. We have shared more details about these contributions in another post.

Eng. Andrea Merlo was also honored to speak as an expert at the “Mini-Symposium on Spasticity and Movement Analysis”.

Assessment of spasticity with instrumental analysis

The presentation was titled “Models for assessing spasticity based on instrumental analysis”.

During his talk, Eng. Merlo outlined the different models available for the assessment of spasticity based on instrumental analysis. Instrumental assessment, combined with clinical evaluation, provides healthcare professionals with valuable tools at every stage of patient care: from diagnostic and functional assessment to planning the best personalized treatment, to evaluating the intervention effectiveness.

foto simposio

Mini simposio sulla spasticità

Studies on spasticity and its assessment

Eng. Merlo’s presentation highlighted several studies published by MBE members in collaboration with the Movement Analysis Laboratory of Azienda USL-IRCCS of Reggio Emilia. These studies demonstrate the practical application of spasticity assessment models. For example, he cited the studies on instrumental assessment of the primary cause of stiff-knee gait (SKG) in stroke patients using kinematics and dynamic EMG, carried out with the Motion Analysis Laboratory of the AUSL-IRCCS of Reggio Emilia.

Studies on functional quadriceps and triceps surae lengthening surgery, which significantly reduced spasticity in many post-stroke patients, carried out in collaboration with the Movement Analysis and Biomechanics Laboratory at Sol et Salus Hospital in Rimini, Italy, were also presented.

Sharing expertise and building knowledge

We are proud to be invited to several congresses and conferences where we can share our experience in the field of motion analysis and sEMG. We firmly believe that sharing knowledge fosters new ideas and innovations through collaboration with fellow experts.

If you need advice on managing your electromyographic data or conducting specific studies, you can reach out to us at the dedicated contact page.