The XXIV SIAMOC Congress – Italian Society of Movement Analysis in Clinic – was held in Stresa (VB) on October 2nd-5th.

Eng. Andrea Merlo of MerloBioEngineering attended the congress to present the latest research.

Artificial intelligence and gait analysis

Together with Eng. Farshad Samadi Kohnehshahri and the head of the Movement Analysis and Biomechanics Laboratory (LAMB), Dr. Davide Mazzoli, we presented the paper entitled “Machine Learning Applied to Gait Analysis Data in Cerebral Palsy and Stroke: A Systematic Review.”

The systematic review, fresh from publication in the prestigious scientific journal Gait and Posture, results from a collaboration between Sol et Salus, specifically the LAMB, and the University of Bologna, where Eng. Samadi is pursuing his PhD. The review, which included 63 primary studies, investigates the use of innovative artificial intelligence technologies in motion analysis, their strengths, and gaps yet to be filled for their use in daily clinical practice.

The presentation at the SIAMOC Congress was held during the “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Clinical Assessment” session, and positive feedback was received from the audience and moderators.

Machine learning is increasingly used in medical settings to support clinicians in assessment and decision-making processes and, if employed consciously, can improve the performance delivered, complementing the irreplaceable expertise of the practitioner.

  • Eng. Samadi
  • Eng.Merlo and Eng.Samadi

Parkinson’s disease and posturography

With Dr. Lorenzo Cavazzuti from the Motion Analysis Laboratory of the Azienda-USL IRCCS of Reggio Emilia, we shared the preliminary results of the work titled “Instrumental Static Balance Assessment of Patients with Parkinson’s Disease and Parkinsonism for Clinical Applications: a Systematic Review”.

The systematic review, currently waiting for publication, critically appraised the use of static posturography in patients with Parkinson’s disease, assessing the clinical, technical, and methodological aspects and identifying gaps hindering its translation into the clinical routine.

We presented it during the session poster and engaged in prolific discussions with several participants.

dr Lorenzo Cavazzuti al congresso Siamoc

Holter-EMG in acute stroke

Dr. Cavazzuti also presented a case study designed in collaboration with the Stroke Unit of the Azienda-USL IRCCS or Reggio Emilia. A patient with stroke was monitored with long-lasting electromyography (EMG) on the biceps brachii from as early as a few hours from the acute event to six months after.

We showed that EMG can highlight involuntary muscle activity before clinical manifestation, anticipating clinical diagnosis. This can pave the way for future research on early monitoring and treatments for patients with stroke.

As the MerloBioEngineering team, we are proud to share our latest research and discuss innovations in motion analysis with the scientific community.